If you’re a pet owner, you want to do the best for the little, or not-so-little, bundles of fur and energy that bring so much love and happiness into your lives. But there are times, also like other pet owners, when you need some help. Insurance for pets helps pay for medical costs in case of illness or accidents, helping you get the care you need for your pets despite the rising costs of veterinary services.
Cats or dogs? Why not both?
We love our pets. Cats and dogs are the favorite pets in the U.S. In fact there are more cats in the U.S. than in any other country, numbering around 76.43 million. And 46.3 million households in the U.S. have a dog. That’s about 37-47% of all households in the country.
As people are learning, cats and dogs don’t always have to be enemies. In fact there are plenty of cats whose best friends are dogs and there are dogs who love cats. The animal kingdom is really much more peaceable than we think.
Pet care and health are major concerns
Where do people get their pets from? The greater majority are acquired from friends and family, and a little under a third of pet owners get their dogs from breeders. About 29% of all pet dogs and cats are adopted from shelters.
The major expenses for pet care are food, supplies, medicine and vet care. Spending on pet food totals $20.46 billion annually in the U.S. Pet supplies and over-the-counter medicine accounts for $12.56 billion and annual spending on vet care is $13.59 billion.
Pet health care costs are rising
Pet health care costs are rising all the time and pet owners worry all the time about paying bills in case medical care is needed. Especially for people who own puppies or senior dogs, insurance for pets can be almost a necessity.
Puppies are prone to get into all kinds of trouble, and are almost guaranteed to need medical care because of their habit of chewing everything in sight. Senior dogs have very specific medical problems as they age, many of which are also breed-specific. If and when age and illness catch up with your beloved pets, you need to have the finances in place to get them the best possible care.
How pet insurance works
Insurance for pets covers most accidents and injuries. It does not typically pay for wellness visits, vaccinations, or pre-existing conditions. However, many pet health insurance plans do have optional add-ons to cover wellness visits and vaccinations. There are also special plans for puppy health insurance and senior dog care.
Insurance for pets fills in a major anxiety gap in most pet owners’ lives. By giving your the financial means to look after your pet in all contingencies, it gives you peace of mind and the knowledge that you’ve done the best for your furry friends.