Pet Videos Are The Bestest!

Funny pet videos

If you like pet videos, especially funny pet videos, as much as I do, then you probably view the internet as the greatest thing that’s ever happened. Sharing pet videos you make at home used to be pretty tough… You actually have to get your friends and family to sit down and while you hook up the VHS player and haphazardly fast forward to that one moment where your dog Scruffy does a backflip and makes one of your buddies fall down.

Now, thank goodness, video editing software lets you make concise and hilarious pet videos that can capture the moment perfectly, and video services like YouTube make it easier than ever to share these great clips with the whole world, not just your immediate circle of fellow pet lovers.

Talking animals, singing animals, kitten mosh pits, guilty dogs… There’s a whole world of cute and funny pet videos to enjoy. One of the best ways to cut to the best ones is to find out which are the most popular. Especially at the end of a given year, the cream of the crop of pet videos will have garnered millions of collective hits, making it easy to compile some really great top ten lists.

Back in 2010, Mishka the husky was a pretty big internet celebrity. This owners of this beautiful dog posted some amusing and endearing pet videos in which Mishka “talks” in a completely comprehensible and convincing human voice, modulating his whines and other sounds into expressions like “I love you!” and “How are you? How are you doin’?”

You can also have endless fun (like I do!) searching for particular animals or types of pet videos. You never know what you’ll find but I guarantee you’ll find something! I never get tired of watching ferrets perform their mating and play fighting dances, just like I never quite get sick of seeing guinea pigs sneeze, especially in slow motion. Which kinds of pet videos are your favorites?