As veterinarians and veterinary diagnostics companies know, people here living in the United States love their pets. From horses to rabbits to lizards to the ever popular cats and dogs, pets are widely owned in all parts of the entire country. Just two million horses alone are owned by human owners in the United States alone, let alone in other countries all throughout the world as a whole. And there are as many as eighty million dogs owned – and an astounding anywhere from seventy four million to ninety six million cats owned all throughout the country. Many people in the United States even own more than one pet – and many own different kinds of animals, often smaller animals like fish or lizards in conjunction with a larger and higher maintenance animal such as a dog. But no matter what type of animal a family or a household owns, it is likely that they love them very much. In fact, it is estimated that anywhere from an estimated sixty three percent of dog owners to around fifty eight million cat owners will actually get their animals presents during the holiday season, such as for the holiday of Christmas.
Taking care of your animal through the use of veterinary diagnostics companies is also hugely important, such as in the case of the heartworm test. A large number – if not all – of veterinary diagnostics companies in the United States perform a great many heartworm tests throughout the year, and veterinary diagnostics companies know that heartworm is a hugely common disease affecting cats and dogs – as well as even horses – alike. And as veterinary diagnostics companies know, it’s important to consider the type of animal that has been diagnosed with heartworm. While the severity of the illness will be directly related to the number of worms found in the heart for the vast majority of breed of dog, it is a very different thing when the disease of heartworm is diagnosed in cats. This is because even just one or two worms can make a cat, even a cat with no other health problems at all, very and increasingly sick. And horses, on the other hand, tend to exhibit very few symptoms of the condition at all, and primarily serve as a carrier of the parasite to other horses as well as other species of animals.
Fortunately, as veterinary diagnostics companies can tell you, a heartworm test kit can help you to be aware of your animal’s – be it a dog, a cat, or even a horse – condition at all times. And aside from testing for heartworm, there are ways that it can be prevented for ever occurring in the first place, by and large the ideal way to take care of your pet’s overall health and comfort during their time with you. And most veterinary diagnostics companies and veterinarians will suggest that animals should be started on anti heartworm medications very early in life. Dogs, for instance, can be given preventative heartworm medication even when they are under the age of seven months. However, they will still need to be tested through veterinary laboratory procedures at a veterinary diagnostics companies, as it can take the average heartworm test as many as six months after the disease is contracted to come back with a positive result. On top of this, it is even recommended by veterinarians and veterinary diagnostics companies that dogs and cats – and even animals like horses – are actually tested each and every year when they go in for the recommended check up at their vet’s office, even if they are not outwardly exhibiting any clear cut or even suspicious symptoms of the disease.
Owning a pet can be a wonderful thing, giving you a companion for the rest of their lives and even the rest of yours. Owning a pet can truly be a wonderful experience, but you must also work hard to keep your pet in good health, like medications against heartworm.