Mental illness feels like it takes over your entire life.
From trying to fall asleep at night to hanging out with friends, it always seems to be just around the corner, ready to pull your day down. Anxiety, panic disorder, depression…they’re all health issues that manifest in subtle ways and bring about drastic results. Fortunately, now has never been a better time to seek out help. Dialogue around mental health is more open than ever and resources are everywhere. Certified emotional support animals, in particular, are a great way to reduce your symptoms and bring new meaning to your life.
What’s a great exercise in alleviating depression? Jogging with your dog around the block or snoozing on the couch a puppy. Let’s look at the health benefits of owning a support animal.
Dogs Remain Many People’s Best Friends
Pets bring joy to our lives. They teach us to appreciate the moment and bring humor into our stressful workweeks, from adorable budgies to housecats. Dogs, however, have sat at the top of the pecking order for a reason. Recent studies have shown nearly 45% of American families have at least one dog, if not several. Dogs are intelligent and emotional animals that come in a wide variety of breeds, all with the ability to help you better manage your mental health.
Mental Illness Is More Widespread Than You Think
It’s easy to feel alone when you’re mentally ill. There are many others out there that are going through similar experiences and wondering if they should exercise in alleviating depression or anxiety. Anxiety disorders are the most common form of mental illness in the country and affect as many as 40 million adults at any given point in time. Post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, affects nearly eight million American adults, as well. An ESA application could do wonders for helping you get through the week.
Routine Is A Great Way To Manage Symptoms
What is it, specifically, that makes ESA dog training so helpful for mental illness? A lot of it boils down to routine. Taking care of an animal is an involving job, requiring you bathe, brush, feed, and play with them on a regular basis. This can help give you direction when depressive systems turn everything into a fog. A recent study found one out of seven American children between the ages of two and eight have been diagnosed with either a mental or behavioral disorder.
You Can Take Your Support Animal While Traveling
Not only can a dog help you exercise in alleviating depression and anxiety, they can also give you company while you travel. Back in 2015 a major airline carried over 24,000 emotional support animals, thanks to a study by the International Air Travel Association. To fly with your pet you need to apply for an ESA letter online. They can give you extended rights not just to airlines, but potential residency and even some restaurants. Certified emotional support animals, simply put, are a part of your life.
Depression And Anxiety Can Be Managed With A Little Help
There are resources available, even when it doesn’t feel that way. Not only can you seek out cognitive behavioral therapy, but emotional support animals for treating depression will go a long way in making life feel more manageable. The average dog is able to understand around 165 words, though some can learn as much as 200. By your side they can provide you another reason to get out of bed and face your life with your head held high. Your first order of business is to reach out to an ESA pet training professional and ask about the benefits of exercise in alleviating depression.
Life is tough. Pets make it a little easier.