Cats are wonderful animals. They are fluffy and enjoy cuddling up with you on the couch. Occasionally, you will need to take your cat to the vet for a checkup. This may require picking up your cat to put it in a carry container.
However, many people pick up their cat the wrong way. This can be uncomfortable and potentially dangerous for the cat. In this video, you will learn the proper way to handle your cat.
First, pet the cat gently. This is because cats get scared easily. You want to calm your cat as much as possible. Next, pick them up with one hand under their chest and the other under their abdomen. This is because you want the cat to be well supported. You don’t want to accidently drop the cat or make the cat feel like its going to fall. You also want to hold the cat close to your body for extra support. They will feel safe and secure this way. If the cat is trying to get away, take a towel and gently squish the cat so that they feel safe and secure.